

What is a modern

In a traditional way, a barista can be defined as an operator that, working at the counter, produces with the espresso machine beverages based on coffee and milk.

Is this true? Is this enough?

No, in a modern world it is not enough!

Work as a barista, nowadays, requires many more skills than frothing milk or setting the grinder. It is also related with

  • Latte art skills
  • Brewing skills
  • Management skills in realizing menus, checking beverages costs and setting barista spots

These skills can’t be just theoretical, but they must be handled super well!


Basic barista


  • The Coffee Plant and characteristics of the main species : Arabica, robusta and hybrids.
  • The coffee process: picking, stripping, washed and dry method.
  • Introduction to roasting and blending.
  • The invention of espresso
  • History of espresso machines and new technologies
  • Cleaning of the Espresso machine. Descaling, backflushing, cleaning of the grinder.


  • Recipe and preparation of Espresso, dosing, grinding and tamping. same practical exercises
  • Setting the grinder
  •  We prepare a v60 or chemex together.
  • Cappuccino in theory and in practice. Milk frothing with Italian standards and more or less frothy
  • Classic recipes: Latte Macchiato, Caffèlatte, Americano, Marocchino, Espresso shakerato, Espresso Macchiato
  • Practice on espresso setting, milk frothing, counter process, r
  • Coffee milk and more: frappuccino and coffee cocktails
  • Maintenance of the Espresso machine: gaskets replacement, setting the temperature and the volumetric setting

Advanced barista


  • In-depth study of coffee varietals, farming practices and processing methods (honey, pulped, fermented…)
  • Detailed explanation of the Roasting process and roasting profiles, how the roasting process modifies the espresso taste.
  • The chemical role of water in espresso


  • Espresso sensory
  • Cupping 
  • Team exercise: Setting different espresso recipes and comparing them
  • Italian regional recipes: bicerin, caffè leccese, affogato and…
  • Latte art. main rules and a lot of practice for the pouring of the rosetta, the heart, tulips and much more. 2h
  • Unique preparations from all over the world: caffè shakerato, Cortado, Flat white, Spanish latte, a coffee brewing overview: cold brew, batch brew, main methods in theory
  • Descaling, backflushing, cleaning of the grinder.
  • Create your shop
  • Latte art
  • The spoon cod
  • Practical exercises for the “Barista time trial” 

One Course
More Goals

The program of the advanced barista allows to pass the Basic Latte art exam: one course, two stamps on your IBM passport!

The last part of the advanced barista exam is the Barista Time Trial, if you close it in less than 6’30” you get the golden diploma and the golden passport!

These courses also include the topics of the SCA barista skills exams.

Italian Barista Certificate
Coffee Specialist Passport

A special passport, for a specialist! By passing this exam you get the “Barista Basic” stamp on the Coffee specialist passport!

The Italian Barista Certificate headquarter will certify your “coffee specialist” passport on the official website, and you will have the possibility to insert it in your CV.


The all around barista world, from espresso to management.

Brew the world

Coffee is a huge world, discovery all the extraction methods!

Roast & Cup

From green to cupping, everything that comes before the bar counter!

Latte Art

A barista MUST be an artist!!