
Latte art

Latte art

Why is a latte art
certification important?

For many coffee shop owners or managers, the level of latte art makes the difference. Higher skills, higher wages

In many companies, baristas unable to make any latte art are simply not hired

Socials are important for a barista too, a high level of latte art is the best way to attract followers, likes, opportunities!

Why latte art certified by IBC?

Certifying your latte art means certifying not only our latte art skills, but also the ability to make it not in a protected environment, but in a real coffee shop context!


Latte art is a matter of practice, this is the courses leading to the IBC certifications are 95% hands-on!

Latte Art Basic Certification Program:

  • The History of Latte Art
  • Different techniques of Latte Art, from etching to free pour
  • The milk, our Ink! how to froth it for a perfect pattern
  • Contrast and Symmetry of a Latte Art Pattern
  • Practice on Heart Pattern
  • Practice on Rosetta Pattern
  • Practice on Tulip Pattern
  • IBC Basic Latte Art Exam, realize heart, rosetta, tulip in a counter situation, with different milks and different cups

    Latte Art Advanced Certification Program:

  • The basic pattern of latte Art, a recap of Heart, Tulip, and Rosetta
  • Advanced Pattern in Free Pour: Swan, Tulip, Flying Swan, 3 Rosetta, 5 Rosetta, Reverse with 4 layers tulip, reverse with tulip and Swan, Vortex
  • The advanced pattern in Etching: Teddy Bear, Pig, Rabbit, Lion, Fish
  • Latte Art in Espresso: Tulip, Heart, Rosetta, Vortex
  • IBC Advanced Latte Art Exam (2 free pour, 1 etching, 1 espresso with latte art realized during the Barista Time Trial)

One course more goals!

The program of the advanced barista allows, taking part in the specific exam, to  also pass the Basic Latte art exam: one course, two stamps on your IBM passport!

Italian Barista Certificate
Coffee Specialist Passport

A special passport, for a specialist! By passing this exam you get the “Latte art Basic and Advanced” stamp on the Coffee specialist passport!

The Italian Barista Certificate headquarter will certify your “coffee specialist” passport on the official website, and you will have the possibility to insert it in your CV.


The all around barista world, from espresso to management.

Brew the world

Coffee is a huge world, discovery all the extraction methods!

Roast & Cup

From green to cupping, everything that comes before the bar counter!

Latte Art

A barista MUST be an artist!!